Mathematics Tuition

“We believe that by going to Mathmo, our son has received the best grounding in maths that anyone could wish for their child, in an environment where there is no pressure, no stress and where each child can move at their own pace, being constantly encouraged to take the next step.” – Tracey McA

Look no further for the highest quality maths tuition available!

We specialise in delivering high quality mathematics tuition to school-aged children (school years 5 to 13), and our students are achieving fantastic resultsWe deliver interactive, real-time assistance to our students using BitPaper, online or in-house.

Check out our popular junior and NCEA holiday programmes.

We are currently operating a waiting list for our regular weekday tuition, but still welcome new enquiries.

Why is our tuition so successful?

  • Understanding each individual student’s needs is part of our skill.
  • With PhDs in Mathematics, we know our subject very well.
  • With the Tan family’s teaching methods behind us, we are expert at helping school-aged children.

Whatever your child’s ability, we offer valuable expertise and guidance to bring out the best in your child:

  • We help those who are puzzled by maths to achieve remarkable improvements at school. We lift their self-esteem and give them the confidence to excel.
  • Extending students is our speciality, with many children tackling maths problems years ahead of their school age. It is not unusual for primary school students to progress through Years 9, 10 and 11 material!

How do we teach our students?

Our teaching methods are simple but effective.  All students receive our individual attention, working at their own pace in a relaxed, small group environment. They practise what they are taught during a lesson and help is readily available, should they need it. This is an important part in helping students to gain confidence and realise their full potential.

How are the lessons structured?

A course of lessons typically runs for 10 weeks but this does depend on the number of weeks in the term. Lessons are held once a week and are tailored to meet the individual’s requirements. We don’t offer single lessons because more time is needed to establish a good rapport between tutor and student, and the benefits are much greater when there is a long term commitment. There are no set lessons and no set homework, although students are always encouraged to practise, especially if they are keen!

Why choose us?

Please click here to find out more, and if you’re still not convinced, please see some of our wonderful feedback!

Please contact us for further information. Places are limited so an early enquiry is strongly recommended.