
“We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your incredible dedication for support in guiding and education our children over the past decade. Your unwavering commitment to their mathematical growth has made an immeasurable difference in their lives and, by extension, in ours.

Your expertise, patience, and genuine care have not only shaped their understanding of mathematics but have also instilled in them a love for learning that will undoubtedly resonate through future generations. Your role in their lives has been invaluable, and we are profoundly grateful for the positive impact you’ve had.

Your professionalism and kindness have set a remarkable example, inspiring not only academic growth but also personal development. We’ve witnessed our children flourish under your guidance, and for that, we cannot thank you enough.” – SC, mother of Julia, aunt of Hanna, Edward and Aidan

Thanks for everything you have done for Isla, she has grown so much in her confidence of numeracy (even calling her last test easy) and has a calm attack of her maths and tests. Tutoring has been a really positive experience for her, she loves coming and working with you. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your students (not just in their time face to face with you).” – Saskia S, mother of Isla, Year 10

Both kids are adamant about returning to you guys. They both attribute their achievements to your tutoring and support and they’re very keen to keep coming and deepen their understanding, which is just awesome. So thank you very, VERY much. It has been SO worth it — the grades are great, but it’s the self-belief in the subject that’s stemming from it all that’s really key!” – Natalie K, mother of K and H

“Bonnie finished her third year at university with fantastic results. She has since been invited to study for her Masters. All of this is as a result of the excellent teaching she received from you. Furthermore, Bonnie has developed a love of maths, which also came as a result of you. I am still very, very grateful to you, because you are key to Bonnie’s success in this subject!” – Sarah M, mother of Bonnie

“Sarah’s journey through Y12 Maths and Y13 calculus was only possible because of the approach that both of you have brought to her tutoring.  I know that the lessons learnt in this journey have contributed to preparing her for a lifetime of learning.  Thank you to both of you, your approach and commitment has given a young woman the confidence to embrace maths and I know she will look back on what she has done with immense pride.” – Robyn D, mother of Sarah, Year 13

“Z was enthralled by Michael in her last lesson, she was buzzing all the way home and deeply inspired.  I was so glad when she jumped in the car and said “I definitely want to go [back] next year”.  Thank you so much for all you do.” – MS, mother of Z, Year 8

“Millie is loving her sessions with you. She says you ‘make sense’ because of the way your approach things, and she feels totally at ease. She said she could now see how people can actually like maths!” – Michelle T, mother of Millie, Year 8

“Please pass on to Michael that Abby was buzzing after her lesson last night – it’s exciting for kids when they feel they’ve really understood something.” – Lisa R, mother of Abby, Year 7

“Thank you for being so vested in Asher. You affirm him every time he sees you, and that is worth your and his weight in gold. :)” – Mindy H, mother of Asher, Year 5

“Ruby and Luke both achieved an excellence in their recent linear algebra test at school. The teacher was very complimentary to Luke and said she would like to use his work as a model answer. I haven’t seen the work but Luke was very pleased with himself. I thought you would appreciate to hear this feedback which is a clear result of your work with them both. Ruby told me last week that she is really enjoying math’s now because she understands it so much better – one of her favorite subjects. Thanks for all your excellent tutoring with them both.” – Clara S, mother of Ruby and Luke, Year 11

“I am still grateful for your help with Claudia. You gave her a real confidence boost and she took control of her learning for the rest of the year and even ended up getting 100% in some assessments – earning herself a place in a top class.” – Lisa R, mother of Claudia, Year 11

“Annie has just recently had a very good school report where her mathematics has improved both in ability recall and attitude immensely. The teacher is very pleased. We appreciate the work you both do so thank you again.” – Sarah C, mother of Annie, Year 9

“Just a quick note to let you know that Charlie is really enjoying his tutor time with you. He’s a changed boy after just two lessons! Although he’s a smart kid he was rather unfocussed and lackadaisical about his schoolwork before. All of a sudden it’s like he’s discovered a passion for maths and I couldn’t be more delighted. You have really clicked with him.” – Katy U-F, mother of Charlie, Year 7

“Julia has got 100% in her first term Math test including excellence questions. This is the first time that she achieved 100%. She is so happy with the result. She has gained more and more confidence in Math since seeing you both. Thank you Audrey and Michael for all the excellent work you have done! Really appreciated.” – SC, mother of Julia, Year 11

“I can’t believe Term 4 will be Em’s last term of maths with Michael, she so enjoys tuition at Mathmo. She is going to do first year Health Science next year, but she occasionally jokes that she should be doing maths and physics instead. Thanks to you her maths is really strong which flows into her Chemistry (her favourite subject) and physics – so thanks truckloads.” – Paula C, mother of Emma, Year 13

“I just wanted to let you know that Paige moved into the top maths group in her class today and she is really proud. They have been working in class on some of the things that you have tutored her on and her confidence has really improved and she is loving it. This evening I couldn’t get her up to bed because she wanted to keep showing me her maths and talking me through the strategies. It’s really great to see. I’m so pleased those sessions have made such a difference. Paige also asked this evening if I could book her in for some more tutoring so she obviously really enjoyed herself.” – Jo B, mother of Paige, Year 6

“I must pass on my absolute thanks and gratitude to Michael, for giving Emily a new found confidence with maths. I understand it has only been three weeks but if I could bottle her attitude and enthusiasm when she leaves your house I would be forever happy! She is a new girl. I have not seen her this enthused or at least believing in herself for a very long time.” – Toni B, mother of Emily, Year 9

“The confidence boost Luke gained from his week of holiday tuition has lasted. He has been tackling adding and subtracting decimals and converting improper fractions with a confidence that is wonderful to see.” – Linaire J, mother of Luke, Year 6

“Elise started the week with trepidation and a few ‘why do I need to go?’ questions. Yesterday she bounced into the car telling me adding fractions was no longer a problem and wondering why no one explained it to her before. Today she was fizzing when she got in the car as she told me she had been subtracting, dividing and multiplying fractions. And had understood! Not only is she learning the practical how-to side, she’s also gaining maths confidence which on its own is valuable and will amplify the impact. Thank you.” – Ali W, mother of Elise, Year 7

“I’ve just spoken with Jackson and he’s sounding really animated about his maths sessions. Thanks for finding his wavelength and making it such a positive experience. Not that I was expecting anything else, but you are obviously very good at putting new students at ease.” – Nicki P, mother of Jackson, Year 8

“Our daughter has just had the results of a maths test back this week and came out as equal top result in her Yr 9 class! Subject was decimals, percentages and fractions. Thank you for your help.” – DP, father of student in Year 9

“K always loves coming to her tutorials with you, there is never a day where she doesn’t want to. She always arrives back at the car smiling. Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such a positive way.” – JM, mother of K, Year 9

“Thank you for the confidence you have given Eve with her maths. This year she gained a distinction (95th percentile) in her ICAS test!” – Wendy E, mother of Eve, Year 7

“You have created a very special learning environment for all your students which gives them the confidence to understand maths well and to carry these skills into the class room and ultimately their exams. From the first lesson, Hamish was very happy to come for tuition. I don’t think anyone could have been more patient and understanding.”– Jane M, mother of Hamish, Year 13

“I am just writing to let you know that Olivia got top marks for her class for her maths test, thank you so much you certainly have made a huge difference in such a short period of time :)” – Jane S, mother of Olivia, Year 10

“I just wanted to give you some feedback on the lessons that G is having. She is quite obviously enjoying them, and was describing to a friend the other day how she is actually remembering the strategies that she is being taught and that you go over them enough for her to ‘get’ them. The friend commented on how positive G was speaking about maths which is wonderful!” – RP, mother of G, Year 8

“Kyle is enjoying your teaching methods. He said his maths teacher spent 20 mins trying to explain a graph process to him personally and at the end he was even more confused and believed her processes were very complicated. I asked Kyle to take notice how long it took for him to understand when you explained it to him and he was very pleased with himself and you, saying only half the time, so thank you.” – Karyn W, mother of Kyle, Year 10

“Thank you for the work you have done with Logan this week; I think he has benefited enormously, even in this short time and I am glad he has decided for himself to continue with your tuition programme.” – Sue W, mother of Logan, Year 12

“We are pleased with Fergus’ progress, especially his changed attitude! He seems to be really enjoying his lessons with you and feeling proud of what he has achieved. He certainly has a unique way of processing stuff and it is great you can work to find the way that allows him to fit it all together. I think one day everything is going to line up together, the bits will all fall into place and he will suddenly get it, and in a very big way!” – Karen H, mother of Fergus, Year 8

“Thank you both so much. When I picked George up yesterday and said ‘how did it go?’ , his immediate response was ‘AWESOME’!!!! He was so proud to show me what he had worked on. His self confidence has taken such a hit lately that it was so very wonderful to see him smiling again. And asking to make sure he was going to be allowed to come back again. Many many thanks.” – DB, mother of George, Year 7

“We have been happy with Libby’s progress, it’s wonderful to hear her saying after her lesson with you that she now understands things that have been taught in school but at the time she had not understood them. It is important for us that she feels confident with her maths, we don’t want it to be a hurdle for her at school that just gets bigger.” – Sarah C, mother of Libby, Year 7.

“We are very happy and lucky to have your tutoring. Richard says it is the best ever.” – YH, mother of Richard, Year 9

“My son found your tutoring very effective for helping him better understand what he was having difficulty with, and achieve Merit in NCEA Level 2. He enjoyed the friendly learning environment; and the work that he was set was not too taxing time wise, when he had so much other work to do. I was personally really pleased with his NCEA result.” – RB, mother of student in Year 12

“We are so grateful for the work Audrey and Michael have done with both of our children. It has really extended them in maths, and at the same time patched some foundation knowledge that they missed out on in the integrated school system. Their understanding, confidence and ability to pick up new concepts have all improved. They seem to learn more in one hour at Mathmo than they did in a week at school!” – Paul and Jo, parents of children in Years 9 and 10

“Kia ora and greetings Audrey, I have been meaning to write last week to THANK YOU SINCERELY for coming to visit our educators. They were beaming from ear to ear after your visit. I believe you have a real beautiful manner of demystifying maths and making people feel comfortable. Thank you very much Audrey for always being so supportive, helpful and enthusiastic about what we are doing.” – Gaike Knottenbelt, founding Principal of Seven Oaks School

“Harry recently finished school for the year and received an award for excellence in Maths! Outstanding – and we’re very proud of him!! This was the first time he has ever received an academic award, and it is without doubt that your contribution played a major part in this. Awards aside though, his attitude to studying improved _dramatically_ (self directed) and he definitely had more confidence in his ability after attending your tuition classes. Thanks so much Audrey! You are an awesome woman and we are so grateful you were able to make such an impact in such a short space of time!” – Sharon A, mother of Harry, Year 12

“Prior to meeting Audrey we had tried a well known tutoring service and although it was helpful it was not successful for our daughter. When we saw an article in the paper regarding Audrey’s teaching methods it started our daughter on her journey from a below-average performer to a high-achiever. She is now twelve years old and presently in the top 4 of her class in mathematics. With the knowledge she has gained success followed and the feeling of satisfaction is not only for the child but the parents as well. We know that the considerable confidence she has acquired from Audrey’s tuition has helped immensely to her success not only in mathematics but to regaining her self esteem. Thank you Audrey for all your help.” – S & A, parents of A, Year 8

“Thanks for all your help – Sophia is really enjoying Michael’s tuition a lot and is so positive after her sessions. The change in Sophia’s confidence at maths is wonderful to see.” – DB, mother of Sophia, Year 10

“Hi Michael, just thought I would drop you a line to thank you for Ben’s great start with your tutoring. He achieved an Excellence in his test yesterday. Ben just loves coming to see you and so pleased with his results too!” – Carol H, mother of Ben, Year 12

“Mitchell (and also Willie and I) are still pleased that he has continued studying maths, it obviously is of great assistance still to him. Thank you both for showing him that maths is enjoyable and able to be understood easily when presented well to a student.” – Vonda N, mother of Mitchell, Year 13

“I’d like to say how much the boys are enjoying the lessons. They seem to love everything about it – you, the environment, the content…Well done to you!” – HC, mother of W & G in Years 8 and 6

“Tyler started school as happy and confident as the next child but we had noticed that this confidence was being systematically eroded as time went on. We were concerned as to what his reaction would be when he started at his new school only to find he was behind in maths.

To ensure he started in his new school on a sure footing we approached Audrey for help so that we could close the gap between the NZ and Northern Ireland maths curriculum. After the first week, two lessons, we started to see an enormous change in his personality. From being nervous and apprehensive, he has started applying himself confidently not only in maths but in general. He has gone from a very nervous, ‘I think I can’ to a very definite, ‘I KNOW I can’ in a matter of weeks!!!

We believe that by going to Mathmo, he has received the best grounding in maths that anyone could wish for their child, in an environment where there is no pressure, no stress and where each child can move at their own pace, being constantly encouraged to take the next step.

We have been amazed at how quickly Tyler has taken those steps. He is now completing maths worksheets and online maths challenges without any help from us. We can’t thank Audrey enough for the magic she has worked on our little boy and would stress that our little ones are never too young to find out that learning can be fun.” – Tracey McA, mother of Tyler

“Hi Audrey, just wanted to let you know how much Josh enjoyed his lesson with you. He said it is the best Maths lesson he has ever had. He was amazed at how much attention he got and how quiet and calm it is. Josh is looking forward to next week already!” – Sandra K, mother of Josh, Year 9.

“I just wanted to let you know that Joe said to his Dad that maths with you wasn’t just good, it was brilliant. That’s wonderful to hear.” – Sally C, mother of Joe, Year 7

“Audrey has without a doubt taken our son, William, to a far higher level in his mathematics ability and skill than could be achieved through alternative tuition or relying solely on teaching in the classroom.

William says how much he enjoys his time with Audrey; her enthusiasm rubs off on William and he says the problems are interesting.

Well done, Audrey. You’ve certainly helped build a solid foundation for William in the future. Your genuine interest in those you tutor as well as the application of your academic talent is a real inspiration.” – Andrew and Jennifer D, parents of William, Year 6

“Audrey, I would just like to say thanks for your fantastic maths tutoring. Nina did very well in NCEA Level 2 Maths – 6 Excellences and 1 Merit. She knows your tutoring made all the difference. Thanks again.” – Rose C, mother of Nina, aged 14

“Hi Audrey, I think our feelings about the way William is progressing was summed up when William presented you with a bunch of flowers. When he first started in his maths class he was suffering from lack of confidence and the ability to take a problem step by step. With your care and attention he has developed into a boy that now sits at the top end of the class and is quietly confident.” – Jane S, mother of William, Year 6

“Dear Audrey, thank you so much for the maths guidance you have provided Hayley this year. While our intention in coming to you was to build Hayley’s confidence in the area of mathematics we very quickly noticed that this confidence extended to all areas of her schooling and the bubbly, happy and confident child of previous years, returned. For that we are very grateful. We were also amazed how quickly our daughter’s love of maths grew. The first week with you, she didn’t want to leave – she was having so much fun. Then she told us that she wanted to come to lessons twice a week! Amazing!” – Lyall and Shona S, parents of Hayley, Year 6

“Sophie has developed more confidence in mathematics. She had sound skills but needed to become more flexible and generalise her skills. Audrey offers individual extension to students who need it in a supportive, positive and constructive manner. The turning point for Sophie was receiving her Year 9 textbook during the holidays. She was so excited she kissed it. She has gone from doing maths because she has to to enjoying being challenged in her thinking.” – Rose B, mother of Sophie, Year 4

“Maths can be an intimidating subject. If interest and confidence are lost, they are hard to regain, even in a good school environment. Audrey has helped our children feel comfortable with mathematics, and with their ability to learn and progress. This has been achieved without a great deal of time or pressure. We are grateful for her good work.” – KM, father of children in Years 5 and 7

“Audrey’s tuition has had a profound effect on how our 9 year old daughter experiences maths in her school classroom. Apprehension has turned to confidence and enjoyment. Thank you Audrey!” – Fiona W, mother of Siobhan, Year 5